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New improved location reports in Targomo LOOP

By Luisa Sieveking | 25 February 2022
Location Report TargomoLOOP

Location decisions are far-reaching and are rarely made alone. Various parties and hierarchies are usually involved. Therefore, a crucial part of the decision-making process is to share facts and insights about potential new locations with the relevant stakeholders.  That’s when location reports come into the game.

Our location analytics platform TargomoLOOP lets you create reports on locations and download them as PDFs. The location reports present the essential facts and analysis results about a site. They help share the analysis results with colleagues, supervisors and partners, and can be used for archiving purposes. 

We have now improved the functions and layout of the reports to make it more relevant and more pleasant to read so that you can communicate your findings even better. 

The first page provides an overview of the core information about the location. This includes the address, the rating within the location network and an overview of the selected catchment areas, which are also visualized in a map.

PAge examples of TargomoLOOP location reports

The coverage of the differently selected catchment areas is now shown in a concise way on the map

Targomo offers the possibility to make multimodal catchment analyses. This means that the analysis covers several catchment areas, each determined by a different mode of transport. TargomoLOOP offers, in addition to the modes of car, walking, cycling or public transport, the possibility to set the speeds individually, which is why additional modes of transport such as e-bike can also be mapped. 

Reports broken down by catchment area

On additional pages, the report contains the analysis results broken down for each individual catchment area. Here you will find details on the points of interest, the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the area and other data points that were added to the analysis. 

Also customer specific data can be integrated. This can include past or estimated guest counts, orders, the size of the location or the number of employees.  

Would you like to see the analytics platform TargomoLOOP in action? Book your demo here 


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