Location Scoring - Closest POI

Distance-weighted scores are designed to favor closer location without the hard-edge of a linear measurement. 14 minutes isn’t much better than 15, but 3 minutes is significantly better.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--  Include maplibregl javascript and css -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@2.4.0/dist/maplibre-gl.js"></script>
    <link href="https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@2.4.0/dist/maplibre-gl.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <!--  Include targomo core -->
    <script src="https://releases.targomo.com/core/latest.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Include turf for view fitting -->
    <script src="https://npmcdn.com/@turf/turf/turf.min.js"></script>
    <!--  Include micro progress bar  -->
    <script src="https://www.targomo.com/developers/scripts/mipb.min.js"></script>
        body, html {
            margin: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        #map {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        .score_result {
            position: absolute; padding: 8px;
            top: 10px; left: 10px;
            font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
            background: white; border-radius: 4px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
            z-index: 1;
        .maplibregl-marker {
            cursor: pointer;
        #markerScores1, #markerScores2 {
            display: inline;
        #markerLabel1 {
            color: #FF8319;
        #markerLabel2 {
            color: #4BB5C5;
    <div class="score_result">
        <b id="reachable_POIs_label">Distance-weighted scores to nearest food/beverage shop:</b>
        <b id="markerLabel1">Marker 1: </b><div id="markerScores1"></div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <b id="markerLabel2">Marker 2: </b><div id="markerScores2"></div>

    <!--  where the map will live  -->
    <div id="map"></div>

    <script>// create targomo client
        const client = new tgm.TargomoClient('westcentraleurope', '__targomo_key_here__')
        // Travel options
        const EDGE_WEIGHT = 'distance' // Can be 'time' or 'distance'
        const MAX_TRAVEL = 1300 // Integer that represents meters or seconds, depending on EDGE_WEIGHT's value
        const TRAVEL_MODE = 'walk' // Can be 'walk', 'car', 'bike' or 'transit'
        const POI_TYPE = 'g_food' // See POI Hierarchy
        const POI_URL = `https://api.targomo.com/pointofinterest/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt` +
        // Add the map and set the initial center
        const map = new maplibregl.Map({
            container: 'map',
            style: client.basemaps.getGLStyleURL("Light"),
            zoom: 15,
            minZoom: 9,
            center: [2.4162, 48.8350]
        }).addControl(new maplibregl.NavigationControl())
        // disable scroll zoom
        const emptyData = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [] }
        const pBar = new mipb({ fg: '#FF8319' })
        // Initialize markers
        const marker1 = new maplibregl.Marker({
            draggable: true,
            color: '#FF8319'
        const marker2 = new maplibregl.Marker({
            draggable: true,
            color: '#4bb5c5'
        marker1.setLngLat([2.4084, 48.8333]).addTo(map)
        marker1.on('dragend', updateMap)
        marker2.setLngLat([2.4244, 48.8368]).addTo(map)
        marker2.on('dragend', updateMap)
        map.on('load', () => {
        function addSources() {
            map.addSource('closest-route-sources', {
                type: 'geojson',
                data: emptyData,
                attribution: '<a href="https://www.targomo.com/developers/resources/attribution/" target="_blank">&copy; Targomo</a>'
            map.addSource('closest-poi-sources', {
                type: 'geojson',
                data: emptyData,
                attribution: '<a href="https://www.targomo.com/developers/resources/attribution/" target="_blank">&copy; Targomo</a>'
        function addLayers() {
        function addPoiLayer() {
                id: 'poi',
                type: 'circle',
                source: {
                    type: 'vector',
                    tiles: [POI_URL],
                    attribution: '<a href="https://www.targomo.com/developers/resources/attribution/" target="_blank">&copy; Targomo</a>'
                'source-layer': 'poi',
                paint: {
                    'circle-radius': 4,
                    'circle-color': 'green'
        function addRouteLayer() {
                id: 'closest-route',
                type: 'line',
                source: 'closest-route-sources',
                filter: ['==', ['geometry-type'], 'LineString'],
                layout: {
                    'line-join': 'round',
                    'line-cap': 'round'
                paint: {
                    'line-color': 'limegreen',
                    'line-width': 3
        function addClosestPoiLayer() {
                id: 'closest-poi',
                source: 'closest-poi-sources',
                type: 'circle',
                paint: {
                    'circle-radius': 6,
                    'circle-color': 'green',
                    'circle-stroke-width': 4,
                    'circle-stroke-color': 'limegreen',
                    'circle-stroke-opacity': .5
        function setupMouseEvents() {
        function setupHoveredPoi() {
            // Change the cursor to a pointer when the mouse is over the poi layer
            map.on('mouseenter', 'poi', () => {
                map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'
            // Change it back to default when it leaves
            map.on('mouseleave', 'poi', () => {
                map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''
        function setupClickedPoi() {
            map.on('click', 'poi', (e) => {
                let properties = e.features[0].properties
                let description = generateDescriptionForPoi(properties)
                new maplibregl.Popup()
        function generateDescriptionForPoi(properties) {
            let description = ''
            if (properties.numOfPois > 1) {
                description += `<strong>Multiple POIs</strong><br><em>${properties.numOfPois} 
                    POIs here,<br>zoom in to see details</em>`
            } else {
                description += `<strong>POI: ${properties.groupId.replace(/^\w/, c => c.toUpperCase())}</strong><br>`
                const tags = properties.numOfPois === 1 ?
                    JSON.parse(properties.tags) : {}
                description += tags.name ? tags.name : '<em>Name not listed...</em>'
            return description
        async function updateMap() {
            const locations = getMarkersLocations(marker1, marker2)
            let scores = await getScores(locations)
            const closestPois = getClosestPois(scores)
            const poiGeoJSON = poiLocationsToJSON(closestPois)
            // Getting and showing routes for nearest POI
            await createRoutes(locations, closestPois)
        function getMarkersLocations(marker1, marker2) {
            let locations = []
            locations[0] = { ...marker1.getLngLat(), id: 0 }
            locations[1] = { ...marker2.getLngLat(), id: 1 }
            return locations
        // Location Scoring API request
        async function getScores(locations) {
            const results = await client.quality.fetch(locations, {
                'poi': {
                    type: 'closestPoiDistance',
                    osmTypes: [
                            'key': 'group',
                            'value': POI_TYPE
                    maxEdgeWeight: MAX_TRAVEL,
                    edgeWeight: EDGE_WEIGHT,
                    travelMode: {
                        [TRAVEL_MODE]: {}
                    coreServiceUrl: 'https://api.targomo.com/westcentraleurope/'
            }, true)
            return results.data
        function getClosestPois(scores) {
            let closestPois = []
            Object.values(scores).map((markerScore, index) => {
                let poi = getFirstPoiInDetails(markerScore)
                let latLngId = nodeToLatLngId(index, poi)
            return closestPois
        function getFirstPoiInDetails(marker) {
            return Object.keys(marker.details.poi).map((key) => {
                return marker.details.poi[key][0]
        function nodeToLatLngId(id, node) {
            return { id: id, lat: node.lat, lng: node.lng }
        function updateLegend(data) {
            let marker1Score = Math.round(data[0].scores['poi']*100)/100
            let marker2Score = Math.round(data[1].scores['poi']*100)/100
            document.querySelector('#markerScores1').innerHTML = marker1Score
            document.querySelector('#markerScores2').innerHTML = marker2Score
        function poiLocationsToJSON(latlngid) {
            return turf.featureCollection(latlngid.map(p => turf.point([p.lng, p.lat])))
        function setMapClosestPoiSource(data) {
        // Routing API request
        async function createRoutes(locations, pois) {
            const options = {
                travelType: TRAVEL_MODE,
                maxEdgeWeight: MAX_TRAVEL,
                edgeWeight: EDGE_WEIGHT,
                pathSerializer: 'geojson',
                // yes, 'polygon'... this comes from a legacy implementation when polygons were the only service. 
                // Will be changing in the future to a more generalized approach.
                polygon: {
                    srid: 4326
            let features = []
            for (let location of locations) {
                const target = pois.find(p => +p.id === +location.id)
                if (target) {
                    const route = await client.routes.fetch([location], [target], options)
                    features = [...features, ...route[0].features]
            const routeGeoJSON = turf.featureCollection(features)
            map.fitBounds(turf.bbox(routeGeoJSON), { padding: 50 })
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