Billing and Invoicing

Targomo’s services are provided on a pay-as-you-go basis, with a healthy free allowance for public and free applications.

Access your API account by logging into the dashboard.

The billing period is first of month to last of month - on the last day of the month, your operations are tallied, and if the use exceeds the € 300 use-allowance, you will be billed for use, as outlined in the pricing page. More details on the operation counting strategy can be found below.


Historical invoices are available on the billing view of the API account dashboard.

Operation Counting

The goal of Targomo’s pricing is to not limit what you can do with the APIs, but instead to recognize that certain request configurations are more complex and consumptive than others. See API overviews for more information on operations counting for each individual API.

Several factors influence how a request to our APIs translates into operations:

  • maxRoutingtime: each 60 minutes is counted as 1 operation
  • sources(and targets): each source is counted as 1 operation. If the API accepts targets as well, each 100 targets counts as 1 operation
  • routing intersections: for multigraph API, any intersection mode other than “routing_union” counts as 2x operations. For non-multigraph APIs, any intersection mode other than “union” counts as 2x operations
  • tiled Analysis responses: for Places Context API and Multigraph API, tiled responses (MVT or tiled geoJSON) count at 1/15 of an operation.

Factors are multiplicative: 2 sources routing to 60 minutes would equal 2*2 or 4 total operations.

Operations calculator

Generate theoretical use scenarios to estimate your monthly cost with our cost calculator.